Of Diana Volcheck


Some of you might wonder what a stranger like me has to do with your solemn hour of mourning?  I say to all of you, the virtue Diana Volcheck had in action and her resolve of goodwill brought my wife, Betty, me and myself here.


My name is Tommy Ray.  Betty and I were originally born in Liberia in West Africa.


My wife, Betty, had the good luck to meet Diana and hit it off as friends for nineteen years before I arrived at the scene from New York City.  I first had the privilege to meet Diana and Emil Volcheck at our wedding in 2001 in Philadelphia.


Though our personal lives did not totally connect in functions, it was actually indispensable.  And Diana was always open, available.


Diana understood and identified with the value and qualities we lacked as sojourner this side of Africa.  She went extra innings after the ninth inning to make us very welcome at her house.


To his delight and amusement, Emil - who had the same sentiment - always agreed:  Diana took all the credit!


I thank you all for sharing with the family and extended families and saying good-bye respectly proper to Diana Volcheck.




Presented by Tommy Ray at the reception following Diana Volcheck's funeral on July 29, 2010.  Betty Zieh and Tommy Ray are long-time friends of the Volcheck family.